Andrey Valencia Cedeño
Especialista en SIG
Andrey is a geographer with emphasis on territorial planning at the Universidad del Valle. Finalizing its grade work about the impact of climate change into productive ecosystems in the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in 2013, binds as a consultant GIS to WCS, supporting the development of cartography. Currently, a student at the specialization in Geographic Information Systems, from the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, while work as an analyst GIS and spatial analysis in different projects. His main interests are geomatics, earth Science, spatial modeling and study of biogeographic processes in the Andean region.
Andrey Valencia Cedeño
Especialista en SIG
Andrey is a geographer with emphasis on territorial planning at the Universidad del Valle. Finalizing its grade work about the impact of climate change into productive ecosystems in the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in 2013, binds as a consultant GIS to WCS, supporting the development of cartography. Currently, a student at the specialization in Geographic Information Systems, from the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, while work as an analyst GIS and spatial analysis in different projects. His main interests are geomatics, earth Science, spatial modeling and study of biogeographic processes in the Andean region.
Camila Durán Prieto
Wildlife Specialist
Biologist from the Pontifical Xavierian University. She has experience related to research and conservation of wildlife species, mainly in the Orinoquia region of Colombia and has been involved in conservation programs with freshwater turtles mainly with species of the genus Podocnemis. Her main interest is related to the ecology of amphibians and reptiles and conservation of species based on field research carried out by local communities and linked to social appropriation of knowledge.
She currently support and consolidates community and participatory based monitoring processes mainly with threatened reptiles of the Colombian Orinoquia and is supporting the identification and recognition of Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures.
Camila Durán Prieto
Wildlife Specialist
Biologist from the Pontifical Xavierian University. She has experience related to research and conservation of wildlife species, mainly in the Orinoquia region of Colombia and has been involved in conservation programs with freshwater turtles mainly with species of the genus Podocnemis. Her main interest is related to the ecology of amphibians and reptiles and conservation of species based on field research carried out by local communities and linked to social appropriation of knowledge.
She currently support and consolidates community and participatory based monitoring processes mainly with threatened reptiles of the Colombian Orinoquia and is supporting the identification and recognition of Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures.
Carlos A. Saavedra Rodríguez
Coordinador de especies
Carlos graduated in Biology with emphasis in zoology from the Faculty of Science of the Universidad del Valle, Colombia. He obtained an MSc and a PhD in Biological Sciences from the same university. He has worked for fifteen years in ecology of populations, communities and conservation of mammals, birds, amphibians and snakes, through various research and environmental impact studies developed with academic institutions, environmental authorities and NGOs. He has experience in governance issues for the management and protection of natural resources, capacity building with local, indigenous and black people organizations and relationships with local governments and private companies. He has been consultant and trainer in guiding and environmental interpretation matters for organized local populations and specialized tour operators. He is currently coordinator of operations for WCS Colombia, in charge of finding qualified personnel for projects, of logistics and field security for researches, of biological assessments, monitoring and other activities.
Carlos A. Saavedra Rodríguez
Coordinador de especies
Carlos graduated in Biology with emphasis in zoology from the Faculty of Science of the Universidad del Valle, Colombia. He obtained an MSc and a PhD in Biological Sciences from the same university. He has worked for fifteen years in ecology of populations, communities and conservation of mammals, birds, amphibians and snakes, through various research and environmental impact studies developed with academic institutions, environmental authorities and NGOs. He has experience in governance issues for the management and protection of natural resources, capacity building with local, indigenous and black people organizations and relationships with local governments and private companies. He has been consultant and trainer in guiding and environmental interpretation matters for organized local populations and specialized tour operators. He is currently coordinator of operations for WCS Colombia, in charge of finding qualified personnel for projects, of logistics and field security for researches, of biological assessments, monitoring and other activities.
Carlos Andrés Ríos
Geographic Information Systems Coordinator
Carlos is an Environmental Administrator from Technological University of Pereira (2005) and a specialist in Geographical Information Systems-GIS at the Francisco José de Caldas District University (2007). He joined WCS Colombia in 2008 as a contractor and later as an employee and coordinator of the GIS area, from there he has supported or led different projects in all WCS lines of work. He has extensive experience in thematic mapping, relational databases (spatial databases), handling of unmanned aerial vehicles, programming in Python and especially spatial analysis and modeling. Additionally, he has interests in urban mobility, free software and cycling in all its ways.
Carlos Andrés Ríos
Geographic Information Systems Coordinator
Carlos is an Environmental Administrator from Technological University of Pereira (2005) and a specialist in Geographical Information Systems-GIS at the Francisco José de Caldas District University (2007). He joined WCS Colombia in 2008 as a contractor and later as an employee and coordinator of the GIS area, from there he has supported or led different projects in all WCS lines of work. He has extensive experience in thematic mapping, relational databases (spatial databases), handling of unmanned aerial vehicles, programming in Python and especially spatial analysis and modeling. Additionally, he has interests in urban mobility, free software and cycling in all its ways.
Catalina Gutiérrez
Directora de programa Colombia
Catalina is a biologist with emphasis in Zoology from the Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia). She obtained her master degree in the Vrije University (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), where she studied the effect of Collembola on mycorrhizae, as well as the diversity and distribution of rove beetles in riparian zones in Colombia. In 2009, she became part of the WCS-Colombia team as intern in the Conservation Leadership Program. Since then, she has contributed with the design and implementation of several projects aimed at the conservation of species, landscapes and management of protected areas. In 2013, she started doctoral studies at the University of Freiburg (Germany) on the relation between the landscape context and diversity of wild bees, and how they contribute to the pollination of granadilla (Passiflora ligularis) in the Colombian Andes. Her interests include the study and implementation of sustainable productive alternatives, the study of ecosystem services and management of sustainable landscapes.
Catalina Gutiérrez
Directora de programa Colombia
Catalina is a biologist with emphasis in Zoology from the Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia). She obtained her master degree in the Vrije University (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), where she studied the effect of Collembola on mycorrhizae, as well as the diversity and distribution of rove beetles in riparian zones in Colombia. In 2009, she became part of the WCS-Colombia team as intern in the Conservation Leadership Program. Since then, she has contributed with the design and implementation of several projects aimed at the conservation of species, landscapes and management of protected areas. In 2013, she started doctoral studies at the University of Freiburg (Germany) on the relation between the landscape context and diversity of wild bees, and how they contribute to the pollination of granadilla (Passiflora ligularis) in the Colombian Andes. Her interests include the study and implementation of sustainable productive alternatives, the study of ecosystem services and management of sustainable landscapes.
Fanny Lorena González Zapata
Conservation Areas Specialist
Fanny Lorena Gonzalez Zapata serves as Conservation Areas Specialist at WCS.
Fanny Lorena González Zapata
Conservation Areas Specialist
Fanny Lorena Gonzalez Zapata serves as Conservation Areas Specialist at WCS.
Forero-Medina Germán
Director Científico
Germán graduated in Biology from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, where he studied the population ecology and natural history of the white-throated mud turtle (Kinosternon scorpioides albogulare), reptile living in the island of San Andrés, Colombia. He obtained an MSc in Ecology from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, studying small marsupials from the Atlantic Forest and the functional connectivity in the landscapes where they live. He received his PhD in Ecology and Conservation from Duke University, in North Carolina, United States. His main research interests are tropical ecology, conservation biology, natural history of tropical vertebrates, landscape ecology, climate change effects on tropical ecosystems and environmental education.
Forero-Medina Germán
Director Científico
Germán graduated in Biology from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, where he studied the population ecology and natural history of the white-throated mud turtle (Kinosternon scorpioides albogulare), reptile living in the island of San Andrés, Colombia. He obtained an MSc in Ecology from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, studying small marsupials from the Atlantic Forest and the functional connectivity in the landscapes where they live. He received his PhD in Ecology and Conservation from Duke University, in North Carolina, United States. His main research interests are tropical ecology, conservation biology, natural history of tropical vertebrates, landscape ecology, climate change effects on tropical ecosystems and environmental education.
Gustavo A GonzálezDurán
Líder anfibio
Gustavo graduated in Biology from the Universidad de Caldas, where he studied the diversity of amphibians in an altitudinal gradient. He received an MSc in Biological Sciences from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, where he studied the systematics and evolution of morphology in a group of the genus Pristimantis. His current professional interest is related with the taxonomy, systematics, natural history and conservation of amphibians and reptiles in the Colombian Andes. He presently supports the strategy for amphibian conservation in Colombia’s Natural National Parks.
Gustavo A GonzálezDurán
Líder anfibio
Gustavo graduated in Biology from the Universidad de Caldas, where he studied the diversity of amphibians in an altitudinal gradient. He received an MSc in Biological Sciences from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, where he studied the systematics and evolution of morphology in a group of the genus Pristimantis. His current professional interest is related with the taxonomy, systematics, natural history and conservation of amphibians and reptiles in the Colombian Andes. He presently supports the strategy for amphibian conservation in Colombia’s Natural National Parks.
Isabel Estrada
Project Management Specialist
Isabel is an Environmental Administrator from Universisdad Tecnológica de Pereira. For the past eleven years she has been working to WCS Colombia. Among other positions, he has served as a financial manager (she did so for about six years). At the begining she participated in the GAINS strategy. Also, she was part of the teams to new protected areas, species and strengthening of the WCS program in general. More recently, she manages several projects related to species (mainly amphibians and turtles), biodiversity monitoring and the Proyecto Vida Silvestre –PVS-; with emphasis on technical and financial monitoring of projects with public and private resources. Her academic interests are relate to linking the social context within conservation actions. Also practice diving and hiking.
Isabel Estrada
Project Management Specialist
Isabel is an Environmental Administrator from Universisdad Tecnológica de Pereira. For the past eleven years she has been working to WCS Colombia. Among other positions, he has served as a financial manager (she did so for about six years). At the begining she participated in the GAINS strategy. Also, she was part of the teams to new protected areas, species and strengthening of the WCS program in general. More recently, she manages several projects related to species (mainly amphibians and turtles), biodiversity monitoring and the Proyecto Vida Silvestre –PVS-; with emphasis on technical and financial monitoring of projects with public and private resources. Her academic interests are relate to linking the social context within conservation actions. Also practice diving and hiking.
Itma Selene Torres Rodríguez
Líder en restauración ecológica
Bióloga de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, con una maestría en Gerencia Ambiental de la Universidad de los Andes. Trabaja en la formulación, implementación y monitoreo de proyectos de restauración y conservación en diferentes ecosistemas de Colombia, como páramo, bosque seco tropical, sabana y bosques andinos. Además, ha trabajado en la evaluación de planes de manejo relacionados con las Reservas Forestales Protectoras Nacionales y formulación de su régimen de usos. Actualmente es especialista en restauración ecológica y lidera los aspectos técnicos y operativos de todos los proyectos nacionales relacionados con restauración de Wildlife Conservation Society-WCS.
Itma Selene Torres Rodríguez
Líder en restauración ecológica
Bióloga de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, con una maestría en Gerencia Ambiental de la Universidad de los Andes. Trabaja en la formulación, implementación y monitoreo de proyectos de restauración y conservación en diferentes ecosistemas de Colombia, como páramo, bosque seco tropical, sabana y bosques andinos. Además, ha trabajado en la evaluación de planes de manejo relacionados con las Reservas Forestales Protectoras Nacionales y formulación de su régimen de usos. Actualmente es especialista en restauración ecológica y lidera los aspectos técnicos y operativos de todos los proyectos nacionales relacionados con restauración de Wildlife Conservation Society-WCS.