Andean Bear

Our main objective is to achieve the conservation of the Andean Bear (also called Spectacled Bear) in the three Colombian mountain ranges, in public as well as private areas. We do this through the protection and restoration of habitats, the reduction of threats and the decrease of negative interactions between this mammal and the people.

To attain our goal:

We assist National Natural Parks of Colombia in the generation of the conservation strategy for the Andean Bear in its protected areas and in those territories that connect them. Large protection core zones, the goals and the required actions to maintain the species long-term are prioritized.

With national and international allies, we develop science-based tools to preserve the species. This includes the identification of attacks by Andean Bear or other species, the decrease of people-bear conflict and the monitoring of this animal. We also work generating capacities in governmental and non-governmental organizations and universities.

We are part of Conservamos la Vida a public-private alliance that implements the Andean Bear conservation strategy using technical, logistic and economic capacities. Under said context:

·      We diagnose the status of the Andean Bear population and identify the major threats affecting it in each locality of the conservation core.


·      We compromise with the rural communities the implementation of several mechanisms to increase the presence of that species and decrease negative interactions. With this, additionally, we seek to improve the quality of life of those people.


·      We monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented mechanisms in the ecosystems that are the natural home of the Andean Bear as well as in the farms that this animal occasionally visits.


The conservation of the Andean Bear implies dealing with large areas of ecosystems generally located from 500 to 3800 meters above sea level. They are, mainly, Andean forests and paramos that represent for us important services such as the retention and supply of water and the capture of CO2 (phenomenon that helps mitigate global warming).

Therefore, the protection of the Andean Bear simultaneously means the conservation of strategic mountain ecosystems with their biodiversity and of the environmental goods they offer for our quality of life and our survival.

The program for the conservation of Andean bear populations in the Western Mountain Range is an open model of public-private articulation lead by National Natural Parks of Colombia (PNNC, in Spanish), the ARGOS Group Foundation, the Valle del Cauca Regional Autonomous Corporation (CVC, in Spanish) and WCS.

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Author(s): Marquez, R.; Goldstein, I.
Description/Abstract: Carnivore-human conflict has been identified as a key factor for the conservation of carnivore populations. The Andean bear-human conflict is not an exception, with and increment in the awareness and effort to manage the conflict in many countries. In 2009, Wildlife Conservation Society, The Ministry of the Environment and the Colombia Park System organized a national workshop “Principles of Andean Bear Humans Conflict Resolution”. A framework for the resolution of conflicts was developed based on the document “Principles of Conflict Resolution between Humans and Bears” developed by the Conflict Expert Team of the Bear Specialist Group. As a result of the workshop, The National Institutional Round Table for the Management of Conflicts was summoned headed by the Ministry of the Environment, with the goal of developing the tools and legal norms to manage the conflict in Colombia. WCS as member of the roundtable took the task to develop several of the tools required to manage the conflict. WCS developed the “Manual for the Identification of Predation of Domestic Animals by Carnivores”, and the “Guide for the Diagnostic of the Conflict Landscape." The manual focus on the identification of the cause of death and the identification of the predator species. The guide focus on the characterization of the conflict landscape in relation to the risk of conflict of the human activities of the site. Both the manual and the guide were tested by local environmental authorities at 2 different localities with Andean bear- human conflicts reports. The tools and the results of the pilot studies will be presented.
Publisher: ARCTUROS, Civil Society for the Protection and Management of Wildlife and Natural Environment
Full Citation: Marquez, R. and I. Goldstein (2014). Conceptual framework and tools for the management of Andean bear-human conflicts. 23rd International Conference on Bear Research and Management. Karamanlidis, A. A. [ed.], 5-11 October, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Author(s): Robert Márquez, Guillermo Bianchi, Emiliana Isasi-Catalá, Viviana Ruiz Gutiérrez, Isaac Goldstein
Description/Abstract: La guía que estamos presentando es el producto principal de la “Alianza para la Conservación del Oso Andino” dentro de la línea Desarrollo de Herramientas de Monitoreo en el marco de su Plan de Acción en el periodo 2011-2015. Esperamos que esta guía sirva para aumentar el conocimiento del estado de las poblaciones de oso andino en toda su distribución y permita el desarrollo de planes de manejo y conservación efectivos para la especie.
Publisher: WCS Colombia
Full Citation: Guía Monitoreo Ocupación Oso Andino 2017_Versión 1.0

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